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Gram Multitool 2
Steve M avatar
Written by Steve M
Updated over 4 years ago

Gram Multitool 2 is an application that allows you to manage your Instagram accounts. These short instructions will show you how to set up proxies in this tool.

1 . Open up Gram Multitool 2 and right click the relevant account to edit proxy.

If you're creating a new account - skip to the next step, proxy is part of the setup. (To create a new account right click anywhere).

2. In the proxy field you will need to enter IP:Port format because GMT2 does not support Domain:Port. Following article describes how to retrieve correct format: IP:Port format

This can easily be adjusted by pinging relevant endpoints - in this example we used to get IP. Insert IP and Port into the proxy field as per example below.

3. Proxy assignment completed, you can now use the tool to manage accounts.


If you receive the 'Invalid' error below - please try again and make sure information is entered correctly. If that still doesn't help, try to change port. If all else fails please contact us via chat or email

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